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Pivot Tires That Can’t Go Flat
The Mach2 Company of Lake Mills, Wisc., wants farmers to start thinking about putting plastic tires on their center pivots.
The two Nebraska farmers began making their center pivot tires using fiberglass material, and the tires got rotationally molded in two halves.
The tires are made from a high-density white polyethylene resin. The company found that if they added any pigment to the white poly, it would break down the material’s rigidity, and the tires wouldn’t last as long.
The tires come in various sizes ranging from 11.2 by 24 in. to 13.6 by 38 in. The tires also have three different tread sizes available to best fit different types of terrain.
Plastic tires have several advantages over the rubber competition. First and foremost, the tires won’t go flat. They come with a 10-year prorated warranty, and the pricing is very comparable.
Mark McCormick of Floydada, Texas, says, “We first began replacing rubber tires with Mach2 tires about five years ago. Those five-year-old tires still look brand new.”
The tires come with a traction plate to help keep them from slipping on the rims.
The tires cost from $450 to $595 depending on size.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chris Meng, Mach2 Company, 100 South CP Avenue, Lake Mills, Wis., 53551 (ph 920-767-1212; cmeng@seljan.com; www.mach2tires.com).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #2