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Non-Toxic Microbial Cleaner
Bacto-Zyme is an enzyme-based microbial cleaner with multiple uses. It’s produced and sold by Substrata and is used to control odors, degrease metallic surfaces and as a general cleaner for pressure washing, carpet cleaning and clearing drain lines.
“We’ve even seen it used in vertical farming systems that have developed sticky, hard to clean biofilm,” says Alfonso Martinez, a Bacto-Zyme representative. “By flushing the system with diluted Bacto-Zyme, the biofilm wipes right off.”
Unlike other cleaning products that merely mask odors, Bacto-Zyme actively removes them. The cleaner’s high pH composition lets it penetrate and emulsify fatty substances that otherwise attract microbial activity, which leads to films and odors.
“The enzymes in Bacto-Zyme eat odor-inducing agents, eliminating the odor. We have customers that work with livestock that put Bacto-Zyme in their misting system to eliminate the odors associated with live animals,” says Martinez.
Bacto-Zyme is 100 percent environmentally friendly. This organic formula won’t damage surfaces, plants or animals it comes in contact with.
“A cleaner containing inorganic chemicals wouldn’t be fit for hydroponic gardens,” says Martinez. “The chemicals will leech into what’s being grown. In contrast, Bacto-Zyme will not harm plants or those using it.”
Bacto-Zyme arrives concentrated so users can dilute it to their desired strength.     
Customers can purchase it in 1-gal. jugs, 5-gal. pails, 55-gal. drums or 250-gal. totes. Prices start at $89.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Substrata, 7330 Eastgate Rd #150 Henderson, Nevada 89011 (ph 702-825-5200; www.substrata.us).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #6