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Mo-Deck Keeps His Mower Deck Clean
Al Cavasin, Concord, Mich., is pleased with Mo-Deck non-stick aerosol spray for mowers (www.mo-deck.com; ph 413 433-3663). It creates a slick, non-stick surface on the underside of the deck to reduce the buildup of grass and make scraping unnecessary. A single can sells for $7.95 on the company website.
    “I can’t recommend this product enough,” says Cavasin, who mows 3 1/2 acres a week. “I found this product about 8 years ago. It has made my life easier by eliminating the need to grind away all the gunk that sticks to the deck, a chore that sometimes took hours and usually involved several cuts and bashed knuckles.
    “I bought Mo-Deck on clearance from Tractor Supply Company for $3 a can, figuring I had nothing to lose. It worked so well that I now buy 6 cans at a time online. I spray the deck and the blades at the beginning of the season, and by the end of the year the deck is just as clean as the day I started mowing. I make sure the deck is thoroughly clean to start, and then spray on 2 coats (the company recommends one) and let it dry overnight.
    “I have no idea how this product works, but nothing sticks to it. I can’t believe how clean my mower deck was at the end of last season.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Al Cavasin, 13997 Cornell Rd., Concord, Mich. 49237 (alcavasin@gmail.com). NOTE: Al does not sell this you can purchase at Tractor Supply.

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #3