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Time-Saving T-Post Fence Clip Sysem
Keeping fence wires tight is fast and easy with Rosbin’s patented new T-post fence clip and tool kit. The twist design draws the wire tight.
The kit consists of a specially designed clip that fits around the T-post, and a tool that fits into a cordless drill. You place the clip around the post and over the wire, then use the drill with the tool to bend the prongs around the wire.
“My friend Rodney Corbin and I developed this new method to put up or straighten T-post fences. We built a special machine to manufacture the product. Now we’re ready to market it,” says Ajit Rose.
The clip comes with a prong on each side that looks somewhat like a straightened-out paper clip.
The tool has a hexagon shaft at one end and a circular “cradle” at the other end, with 6 holes at the perimeter and one in the middle.
“The cradle helps the operator align the tool and the clip with relative ease,” says Rose. “The operator places the clip on the wire, then inserts a prong into any of the perimeter holes. As he pulls the drill’s trigger and holds it down, the rest of the prong is quickly drawn into the middle hole and pushes the tool off the wire as it tightens the clip around it. The operator then repeats the process on the other side.”
He says the key was coming up with a clip with just the right bend length and angle to tie the clip to the wire perfectly tight. “It works fast - each clip can be tied in less than 10 seconds from start to finish,” says Rose. “Once tied, the clip stays on forever. It’s very safe to use because your hands stay clear of the wire with almost no chance to get cut on barbs. And the clip is the same on both sides, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re left or right handed.
“The only limitation is the clip ties so tight that it can’t be removed from the wire. Also, the T-post has to be solidly anchored or the force of the drill could yank it out of the ground.”
The clips are packaged in a biodegradable cardboard scabbard that loops onto your belt or pants pocket. “The design makes it easy to remove the clips one at a time, without them getting tangled up,” says Rose.
A package of 12 clips sells for $1.39 plus S&H. The cradle tool sells for $29 plus S&H.
You can watch a video of the fence clip and tool on www.farmshow.com.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ajit Rose, 300 Ashley Park Dr., Newnan, Georgia 30263 (ph 907-947-9307; rosbin.co@gmail.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #2