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Simple Sheep Scale Uses Leverage
When Don Kilpela of Atlantic Mine, Mich., wanted to sell a few of his Icelandic lambs, he needed to weigh them to determine the price. Weighing them with a spring scale in a box suspended from his tractor bucket worked, but it required two people and had to be done outdoors. So he came up with an indoor scale based on something simpler - leverage - that he can use by himself.
He built a 70-lb., 2 by 4-ft. box out of 2 by 4’s and 1/2-in. plywood secured with deck screws. To lift it, he attached it to the end of a 10-ft. long 2 by 4 that rests on top of a block mounted on a wall stud. Kilpela says he can easily lift up to about 300 lbs. by pushing down on the end of the 2 by 4. It holds the box less than a foot off the ground. Attached to the box with nylon straps, he can get an accurate weight with a 660-lb. digital scale he purchased for $30.
“The box has a door on both ends so you can easily move the lamb in or out,” Kilpela says, noting he lures them in with a pan of corn. “It works quite well. I weighed all my sheep with it last fall and will weigh lambs this fall.”
The simple scale is ideal for his small hobby operation. Kilpela appreciates how Icelandic sheep look with their horns and long wool. They also help keep the brush down on his rural property, he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Kilpela, 16623 Obenhoff Rd., Atlantic Mine, Mich. 49905 (dwkilpel@mtu.edu).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #6