Volume #BFS, Issue #20, Page #03
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Hoof Cinch Eliminates Founder Pain, Realigns Hoof
Horse owners have an inexpensive option to relieve the pain of laminitis and fix founder. Hoof Cinch is a patented, device that is attached to the hoof to prevent the hoof from flexing.
  “We are bringing the hoof back to normal,” says Chuck Potter, a Minnesota farrier who invented the device after a year of research and development with his business partner, Dr. Jan Doelle, DVM.
  Instead of expensive traditional treatment, without a real solution for fixing the rotation, a Hoof Cinch can be installed in minutes, and provide instant pain relief.
  “We know that once the coffin bone rotates, it can’t be moved back,” says Potter. “By using the gentle, steady pressure of Hoof Cinch, you can redirect the new growth of the hoof wall to realign to the coffin bone.”
  Potter emphasizes that the Hoof Cinch fixes the mechanical side, but horse owners must also work with a veterinarian to do blood testing to determine the cause, and come up with a treatment plan.
  The Hoof Cinch is easy to install and remains on the hoof for at least 16 weeks. The bands come in three sizes and the cost is $60 per set, plus shipping. More info, as well as installation videos can be found on their website, www.hoofcinch.com.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chuck and Krista Potter, Hoof Cinch LLC, 39751 County Road 12, Dakota, Minn. 55925 (ph 507 459-6949 or 855 442-4624; krista@hoofcinch.com;

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Volume #BFS, Issue #20