2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4, Page #28
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Garden Tractor Tow Rig
That’s what prompted Reining to build what he calls a “recovery module” to tow disabled tractors around the yard. “I used an axle and some scrap steel that I had laying around. The lifting device came from an old wheelchair loader that a friend gave me. I took it apart to get the parts I needed. It had electric controls but I had to rework those slightly to get it to do what I needed.
“The lifter is 12-volt so I just made a tray for a small garden tractor battery and power the system using that. It provides plenty of power. I keep it on a battery maintainer when not in use.
“Now I just back up to the rear of the tractor I need to move, lower the lift until I can place the hook under the mower, then lift it up so the wheels are off the ground.
“You do need a fairly heavy towing tractor. I have an old Wheel Horse tractor that’s fixed up as a sort of utility unit. I built a wide seat for it so I can actually drive it from either side. Its a hydrostatic unit so works great for doing all my odd jobs”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steven Reining, 120 W. Main St., Mt Zion Ill. 62549 (ph 217-864-4664).
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