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3-Pt. Hitch Converted To Versatile Trailer Puller
“I never have to get off my tractor to hitch up a trailer thanks to my home-built hitch. It bolts onto the tractor’s 3-pt. quick hitch and also can be used to move wagons or implements,” says Daniel York, Morgan Mill, Texas. “I can quickly unbolt it from the quick hitch and hook up any 3-pt. mounted implement.”
    He started with an old pickup bumper-mounted receiver hitch, welding the hitch’s frame on back of another frame that he made out of square tubing. It has a ball hitch on top. He also welded links onto the front part of the frame, which hook up to the quick hitch.
     “I use the ball hitch to move trailers around my farm, especially when the ground is muddy and I don’t want to get my pickup dirty,” says York. “It takes only about 2 min. to remove the ball hitch, and then I can use the quick hitch to hook up to my 3-pt. mounted batwing shredder, hay conditioner, or hay forks.
    “I came up with the idea because I got tired of taking the ball hitch on and off my tractor whenever I wanted to move trailers. The receiver hitch’s frame moves the trailer back a ways from the tractor, which makes the hitch easier to see. It also keeps the trailer from jackknifing when I turn short.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Daniel York, P.O. Box 117, Morgan Mill, Texas 76465 (ph 214 535-2885).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4