2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4, Page #08
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Business Takes Off For Chicken Coop Rental
“I think I could have rented out more,” says Cupp, who will start her senior year in high school this fall. “Initially, I just wanted to see how receptive the community would be. This year with COVID-19 stay-at-home rules, there has been greater interest in producing your own food.”
Cupp credits Rent-A-Chicken (Vol. 39, No. 5) for the idea. Headquartered in Michigan, they have placed coops and chickens from Georgia to Oregon and Texas to Minnesota. When she discovered they didn’t have rentals in Nebraska, she started her own.
Cupp’s 4 to 6-hen coops are distributed across a 90-mile radius, with 3 in her home county. She charges a monthly rate of $60, which covers feed, bedding, medication,, the coop itself, a feeder and waterer, and up to 4 hens. Additional hens are $5 each per month.
“We used kits for the upper part of the two-story coops and built the framework with wheels and a rope pull,” says Cupp. “The mobile coop is designed so it can be moved around to pasture different areas, but some renters have built larger pen areas around the coops.”
Cupp’s rental season runs from April to November. She went with a monthly rate to allow grandparents to have the coop on hand when grandchildren came for a period in the summer. However, most of her customers are renting for the whole season.
“One of my families has 5 hens and is collecting 24 to 28 eggs a week,” says Cupp. “A member of the family has a home-based baking business and uses up the eggs. Several renters have large families. Most prefer to spend their money on rent rather than buy eggs at the market.
Cupp hopes to continue her rental business through her college years. She knows she has gained valuable experience for starting some other business when she graduates.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Morayah Cupp, 73382 324 Ave., Champion, Neb. 69023 (martmora.2021@chasecountyschools.org).
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