2020 - Volume #44, Issue #3, Page #30
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I Grew Mushrooms In My Own Home Office
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I learned of Gourmet Mushroom Products a few years ago when I wrote an article about their kit for growing morel mushrooms outdoors with kitchen scraps (Vol. 37, Issue 3).
This time I contacted James Malachowski about indoor kits that can be grown year ’round - even in winter in Minnesota. He offers kits with different varieties - Sonoma Brown Oyster, Blue Oyster, King Oyster, Lion’s Mane and Shiitake.
I ordered the Shiitake kit ($30.60 including postage) on March 23 and it arrived 4 days later from California. It obviously had something started on the outside of the pressed oak sawdust log, and I wondered if it would smell moldy. But Malachowski had assured me it was seeded in a sterile lab and could be placed on a counter or anywhere inside with the optimum temperature up to 70 degrees.
Mushrooms started growing out from one side within 3 days, and after a week I ate my first mess of mushrooms sautéed over pasta. They were delicious.
I’d never purchased or eaten Shiitake mushrooms before, but people who eat them like to grow their own because they taste better fresh, Malachowski says. The cost is comparable or a little higher than buying the mushrooms at a store.
One log can produce 16 to 24 oz. of mushrooms. After harvesting the first big mushrooms (3 1/2 in. diameter), I had another small picking and then nothing.
According to the directions, I am letting it dry up and rest for a couple of weeks and then will restart the process.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gourmet Mushroom Products, P.O. Box 515, Graton, Calif. 95444 (ph 707 829-7301; www.gmushrooms.org).

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