2020 - Volume #44, Issue #3, Page #04
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Glass-Mounted Gun Rack For Tractors, Combines
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The patented Gun Grabber 310VT Glass Mount has double suction cups that grip the glass. You set the gun’s stock into a floor-mounted rubber “butt” and then press the gun barrel into a U-shaped rubber pocket on the glass-mounted holder. To remove the gun, twist down the front side of the Gun Grabber and pull the gun straight out toward you.
“It’s easy to set up, simple to use, and can be easily moved to another tractor or combine,” says Mullinax. “It’s ideal for modern tractors and combines, which have so much glass there’s nothing solid on which to mount a traditional gun rack.
“Once you insert the gun in the Gun Grabber, it won’t come out. We have an 8-year contract with the federal government to supply the Gun Grabber to the U.S. Coast Guard, so we know it’ll hold up to rough conditions. Also, it’s made in the U.S.”
The Gun Grabber 310VT Glass Mount sells for $64.95 plus S&H.
The company also offers several kinds of gun rack mounting brackets for UTV’s and golf carts, as well as for hunting blinds.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gun Grabber Products, Inc., 216 East Third St., Texarkana, Ark. 71854 (ph 877 486-4722; www.thegungrabber.com).

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