2020 - Volume #44, Issue #2, Page #35
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Handy “4-In-1 Tool” Built For New Holland Haybine
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“It has 2 different size sockets, a punch, and a 16-in. long retractable handle that I use like a slide hammer to strike the punch. Extending the handle also increases the leverage when using the sockets,” says Fett.
“I came up with the idea because whenever I needed to change broken mower sections in the field, I always had to bring three different tools with me – a wrench to remove the guards, a socket to remove the mower sections, and a punch and hammer to remove any sheared-off section bolts. I spent a lot of time walking back to my tractor to get the tool I needed. If I laid any of the tools down they could easily get lost in the hay, and then I spent even more time searching for them. Now I have one tool that can do all of those jobs.”
The tool measures 18 in. long with the handle extended and 9 1/2 in. long retracted, small enough to fit into Fett’s toolbox. To make the retractable handle, he bought a new sliding T-handle breaker bar and threw the handle away, keeping only the square socket drive. He then cut 5/8 ID bushing stock to the right length and welded one end shut. It hits a 5/8-in. dia. steel rod that rides inside the bushing, which is used to drive out section bolts.
Fett tapped a small hole in the middle of the rod and threaded a cap screw into it. He also cut a long slot into the bushing, which the cap screw slides back and forth in.
He used a lathe to grind the top end of the rod down to form a punch.
To attach the sockets Fett removed the handle from a short 1/2-in. drive breaker bar, then welded a large socket on one end of the bar and a small stepped-down socket on the other end. The 5/8-in. rod runs through the short breaker bar in place of the handle. A roll pin, inserted into a hole drilled into the rod, keeps the welded-on sockets in place.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Edward Fett, 46656 275th St., Lennox, S. Dak. 57039 (ph 605 647-2399).

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