Boot Helps Heal Horse Leg Injuries
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Horses with injured legs which used to be fatal can now be fitted with a “leg boot” called FastTrack™ that lets them heal. Horsepower Technologies co-founder Victoria Boutelle says the orthotic device is made of aircraft grade aluminum and high-strength stainless steel.
FastTrack allows early mobilization and out-of-the-stall load-bearing exercise for injured horses. The device has been tested for several years and proven effective at limiting over extension of a horse’s fetlock joint, which significantly reduces strain on injured flexor tendons and ligaments.
“With a custom-fitted FastTrack, the animal can safely perform moderate exercise and recover from lameness over time,” Boutelle says. After a FastTrack is custom-fitted, it’s held in place with a Velcro wrap and safety straps. Patented SafeStop technology limits the maximum extension angle to reduce the load on injured tendons, helping prevent re-injury. They sell for $2,500/pair.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Horsepower Technologies, 175 Cabot Street, Suite 500, Lowell, Mass. 01854 (ph 844 51-HORSE;

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Boot Helps Heal Horse Leg Injuries LIVESTOCK Horses/Mules Horses with injured legs which used to be fatal can now be fitted with a “leg boot” called FastTrack™ that lets them heal Horsepower Technologies co-founder Victoria Boutelle says the orthotic device is made of aircraft grade aluminum and high-strength stainless steel FastTrack allows early mobilization and out-of-the-stall load-bearing exercise for injured horses The device has been tested for several years and proven effective at limiting over extension of a horse’s fetlock joint which significantly reduces strain on injured flexor tendons and ligaments “With a custom-fitted FastTrack the animal can safely perform moderate exercise and recover from lameness over time ” Boutelle says After a FastTrack is custom-fitted it’s held in place with a Velcro wrap and safety straps Patented SafeStop technology limits the maximum extension angle to reduce the load on injured tendons helping prevent re-injury They sell for $2 500/pair Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Horsepower Technologies 175 Cabot Street Suite 500 Lowell Mass 01854 ph 844 51-HORSE; www horsepowertech com
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