Tire Grooving Catches On
The popularity of solid skid steer tires is driving increased interest in a tool that “regrooves” tires, according to Rich Ilg, Nextire, Inc. Ilg reports sales of the Tire Groover (first featured in Vol. 38, No. 6) have increased significantly in recent years.
“More and more people are investing a fair amount of money in solid tires,” says Ilg. “Grooving or regrooving can give solid rubber tires about 20 percent more life.”
The Tire Groover operates on 110 volts and heats a replaceable horseshoe-shaped razor blade. Depending on how it is pushed across the tire, it creates a groove from 1/16 in. to 1 in. wide and up to 1 in. deep.
Ilg explains that solid tire makers put a wear bar at 33 to 66 percent below the traction depth. This means a tire can run smooth for almost half its life. Grooving returns lost traction.
“Skid steer owners get frustrated with smooth tires and buy new ones. An alternative is to have them regrooved for $400 to $500 or they can buy our grooving gun for $525,” says Ilg.
A second alternative is to rent a gun with blades for around $175. However, Ilg notes that renters often end up buying one the second time they need it.
“They end up using it for their tires and doing some for their buddies,” he says. “We do sell some simply for custom work or for use on neighboring farms.”
Ilg notes that the Tire Groover can also be used with pneumatic tires. He points out that tractor pullers have long used grooving guns to shape tires for added traction.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rich Ilg, Nextire Inc., P.O. Box 235, Roseville, Mich. 48066 (ph 800 323-4152 or 810 459-5048; rich@flt-online.com; www.flt-online.com).

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Tire Grooving Catches On TIRES/WHEELS Miscellaneous The popularity of solid skid steer tires is driving increased interest in a tool that “regrooves” tires according to Rich Ilg Nextire Inc Ilg reports sales of the Tire Groover first featured in Vol 38 No 6 have increased significantly in recent years “More and more people are investing a fair amount of money in solid tires ” says Ilg “Grooving or regrooving can give solid rubber tires about 20 percent more life ” The Tire Groover operates on 110 volts and heats a replaceable horseshoe-shaped razor blade Depending on how it is pushed across the tire it creates a groove from 1/16 in to 1 in wide and up to 1 in deep Ilg explains that solid tire makers put a wear bar at 33 to 66 percent below the traction depth This means a tire can run smooth for almost half its life Grooving returns lost traction “Skid steer owners get frustrated with smooth tires and buy new ones An alternative is to have them regrooved for $400 to $500 or they can buy our grooving gun for $525 ” says Ilg A second alternative is to rent a gun with blades for around $175 However Ilg notes that renters often end up buying one the second time they need it “They end up using it for their tires and doing some for their buddies ” he says “We do sell some simply for custom work or for use on neighboring farms ” Ilg notes that the Tire Groover can also be used with pneumatic tires He points out that tractor pullers have long used grooving guns to shape tires for added traction Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Rich Ilg Nextire Inc P O Box 235 Roseville Mich 48066 ph 800 323-4152 or 810 459-5048; rich@flt-online com; www flt-online com
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