2020 - Volume #44, Issue #2, Page #03
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Old Pickup Converted Into Low-Cost “Feed Truck”
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“It goes through mud and snow very well, and the heated pickup cab is much more comfortable than using a tractor to pull the gravity wagon. I didn’t spend anything to build it,” says Donnelly. “I pull up alongside our feedlot fence and manually open the wagon’s chute, then drive along and fill the feed bunks for my beef cows.”
Donnelly already had both the pickup and the gravity wagon. He used a torch to cut off the bed behind the cab and bolted a pair of 6 by 6 wood beams onto the frame. He unbolted the hopper from the gravity wagon and used a loader tractor to set it on the beams, then used the hopper’s original mounting brackets to bolt it on.
The hopper holds 200 bu. of feed, and Donnelly says a full load causes the pickup to ride pretty low. “I plan to install heavier leaf springs on the pickup. I also plan to add a 4-in. dia. swing-out auger on the gravity box, which I’ll use to load feed into bins or other wagons,” he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Peter Donnelly, 3082 Maple Ridge Road, Newark, N.Y. 14513 (ph 315-909-4400; peterdonnelly9988@gmail.com).

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