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Trailer Jack “Roller Stand”
“I built this infinitely adjustable roller stand out of round stock and square tubing. I use it with my bandsaw when handling long material. A trailer jack makes it easy to adjust the height,” says Lee Johnson, Richburg, S.C.
Johnson uses the roller stand in his shop, along with a couple other ones that he built. When spaced 6 ft. apart, they provide a sliding surface for moving long objects into the saw.
The roller stand’s base is made from an old 20-in. disk coulter. Johnson welded a length of 1/2-in. round stock vertically onto the coulter and then slid 1-in. square tubing over it, welding the tubing to the jack. At the top of the stand, a 12-in. long conveyor roller with spring-loaded ends spins freely on a 13-in. horizontal steel bracket made from 1/2-in. wide, 3/16-in. thick metal. The bracket has a short vertical piece at each end with a hole drilled into it, where the spring-loaded ends fit through. A welded-on, triangle-shaped metal gusset reinforces the bracket.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lee Johnson, 4036 Hayward Lane, Richburg, S.C. 29729 (ph 803 517-4131; piper235@aol.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #1