Bucket-Mount Side Arm Rock Picker
"We built it because we got tired of getting on and off a tractor to load rocks into the bucket on our front-end loader. We figured there had to be a better way," says Gerald Jeannotte, who, along with brother Jean, built a "side arm" bucket-mounted rock picker that worked so well he's now looking for a manufacturer.
The side-mount rock picker consists of a tined fork that mounts on the right side of the bucket. The fork tines are lower than the bottom of the bucket, allowing the operator to dig and pry out large buried rocks up to 2 ft. in dia.
Once the rock is on the fork, the fork is rotated upward by a hydraulic cylinder so the rock slides down into the bucket. The operator then returns the fork back to the original down position.
"It lets you pick up rocks without ever having to get off the tractor, and it's side-mounted so you have a clear view of the rock to be picked," says Jeannotte. "Dirt falls through the slotted grate so the rock is dirt-free when it's dumped into the bucket. Works great for spot picking rocks before or after planting or after doing tillage work. You can go up to 10 mph between rocks. Because there are so many different styles of buckets, we sell the rock picker and our own bucket as a unit. Bucket fits all front-end loaders. We expect to sell the unit for $1,200 to $1,500, not including the hydraulic cylinder."
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Jeannotte Mfg. Ltd., Codene, Sask., Canada S0H 0X0 (ph 306 394-4521) .

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Bucket-Mount Side Arm Rock Picker ROCK PICKERS Rock Pickers 17-5-3 "We built it because we got tired of getting on and off a tractor to load rocks into the bucket on our front-end loader. We figured there had to be a better way," says Gerald Jeannotte, who, along with brother Jean, built a "side arm" bucket-mounted rock picker that worked so well he's now looking for a manufacturer.
The side-mount rock picker consists of a tined fork that mounts on the right side of the bucket. The fork tines are lower than the bottom of the bucket, allowing the operator to dig and pry out large buried rocks up to 2 ft. in dia.
Once the rock is on the fork, the fork is rotated upward by a hydraulic cylinder so the rock slides down into the bucket. The operator then returns the fork back to the original down position.
"It lets you pick up rocks without ever having to get off the tractor, and it's side-mounted so you have a clear view of the rock to be picked," says Jeannotte. "Dirt falls through the slotted grate so the rock is dirt-free when it's dumped into the bucket. Works great for spot picking rocks before or after planting or after doing tillage work. You can go up to 10 mph between rocks. Because there are so many different styles of buckets, we sell the rock picker and our own bucket as a unit. Bucket fits all front-end loaders. We expect to sell the unit for $1,200 to $1,500, not including the hydraulic cylinder."
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Jeannotte Mfg. Ltd., Codene, Sask., Canada SOH OXO (ph 306 394-4521) .
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