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Water Wagon Irrigates Garden
Craig McMillan uses a water wagon to irrigate his garden with creek water. Plastic totes on an old camper frame transport up to 500 gal. at a time.
    “I like to eat, so I raise a lot of vegetables,” laughs McMillan. “I have a 2-acre garden down by the creek and my small one on a hill near my house.”
    While McMillan can irrigate the large garden directly from the creek, he wanted a way to get creek water to the smaller one.
    “I had a big, old, Holiday camper that my uncle and I stripped down for scrap,” says McMillan. “It had a good frame, which I floored with treated lumber I had been given.”
    McMillan found one 250-gal. tank and a friend gave him a second. He mounted both, along with 2 Rain Bird sprinklers, on the trailer bed. He also mounted a 5 hp. Pacer irrigation pump.
    “I dammed up a spot on the creek for a place to drop a water line,” says McMillan. “Using the pump, I can fill the 500-gal. tanks in about 15 min. and pull the water wagon to the garden. I turn a valve, and I can use the same pump to operate the sprinklers. The tanks give me enough water for 1 to 2 hrs. of irrigation, depending on how I set the throttle.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Craig McMillan, 1249 Linersville Rd., Buffalo, S. C. 29321 (ph 864 426-5266).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3