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“Roller Stands” For The Shop
“I built these heavy-duty, infinitely adjustable roller stands out of angle iron and square tubing. I use them with my drill press and table saw when handling long material. When spaced 4 ft. apart, they provide a sliding surface for moving objects along,” says Dave Sand, Avon, Minn.
  “Using one or more of the roller stands, I can make straight cuts on material of virtually any length. A pair of 1/2-in. bolts makes it easy to adjust the height. The bolts squeeze 2 vertical angle irons together to form a clamp.”
  The stand’s base is made from more angle iron and tubing. To keep the stands from moving, Sand lined them up in a straight line every 4 ft. and then drilled holes in his shop floor. He inserts pins through each side of the base and into the holes to keep the stands straight in line.
  Sand used the same idea to install adjustable wheeled stands on his chop saw and drill press, allowing him to roll the tool in line with the rollers stands. “It saves time because I can cut or drill a piece of metal, and then roll it back onto a rack for storage without having to drag it across a sawhorse,” says Sand. “I recently broke my foot so I set the stands only about 2 ft. high, which allows me to work from a wheeled chair and scoot myself along.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dave Sand, 11080 Lynn Rd., Avon, Minn. 56310 (ph 320 237-6189; the3sands@yahoo.com

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3