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Simple Tailgate Step
Don Boggs saw an ad on TV for a new pickup that has a step built into the tailgate.
    “I’m 81 years old and can’t hop up in the back of a pickup the way I used to. But I can’t justify buying a new pickup just to get a built-in step so I decided to make something myself,” says Boggs.
    He simply took two pieces of 2-in. wide 1/4-in. strap metal and bolted a piece of scrap lumber to it with 4 bolts. He bent the straps to fit over the tailgate so all he has to do is pull the step to the back of the truck and slip it on.
    “Works great,” he says.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Boggs, 619 Amberwood Road, Pickens, S.C. 29671 (ph 864 787-4596).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3