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ATV Wagon Built With 360-Degree Swivel Steering
LeRoy Momper, Fredonia, Wis., couldn’t find a 4 by 8-ft. ATV wagon with a turning radius as short as his ATV, so he decided to build his own.
    “Wagons with conventional-style steering don’t turn sharp enough, so when turning, the front wheels have to slide sideways,” says Momper.
    He solved the steering problem by making the wagon “reach” part of the wagon frame, and welding a 1 7/8-in. trailer coupler on the front end of the reach. On the front axle he welded a 1 7/8-in. ball, 2 in. forward of the axle centerline.
    “This innovation allows the front axle to swivel 360 degrees, plus up and down to adapt to any height hitch. The reach also supports the wagon bed,” says Momper.
    After using his new wagon, Momper discovered other advantages such as better maneuverability through wooded areas. Also, the tongue can be swiveled back under the wagon for storage. He plans to use the same steering concept on a much larger wagon, using a 2 5/16-in. coupler and ball.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LeRoy Momper, 215 Lawrence Street, Fredonia, Wis. 53021 (ph 414 331-2093;

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3