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Fully Equiped Weather Station
New from Hardi International is the Hardi Metpole, a fully-equipped on-farm weather station.
"A Metpole sensor placed in a crop from the beginning of the season will give you full record of all relevant weather data every half hour, providing information for sound decision making on a scientific basis," the manufacturer points out. "It enables you to select optimum time for spraying, tilling, planting, irrigating, fertilizing and harvesting."
The Metpole weather station comes with 12 sensors for collecting data on wind velocity, surface wetness, global radiation, air temperature, humidity, rainfall, soil temperature and water content.
Individual sensors (6 1/2-ft. long) can be located up to 3 miles from the base station at headquarters. Information is relayed via radio waves to a receiver and presented to your PC.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hardi Inc., 1500 West 76th St., Davenport, Iowa 52806 (ph 319 386-1730).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2