2019 - Volume #43, Issue #1, Page #33
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Handy Work Station Keeps Tools Together
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I had tools spread out all over, he explains. I needed a work station where I could keep things a lot more organized.
His 3 toolboxes were different sizes, so he drew up a rough sketch on how to place everything and measured carefully to create a frame to tie them altogether.
I had some 4-in. by 3/16-in. I-beam for the frame and put 6 wheels underneath. The middle ones are stationary and have 1/8-in. shims to make them a little longer. So you get a little wobble, but it allows you to pull on either end and turn it pretty freely, Bengtson says. He used heavy-duty, rubber-coated 4-in. caster wheels to support the weight of the frame and tool boxes.
He welded the I-beam frame together and included 2 uprights to support shelves behind the two large toolboxes to hold a smaller toolbox and an organized charging station for his cordless drills that hang on grooves cut into a wooden shelf.
He bolted the toolboxes to ears he welded on the frame to hold them securely.
Also, I wanted it wide enough so its not top-heavy, he adds about the work station that is about 8 by 3 ft. and 5 1/2 ft. tall.
He welded a steel plate on the side for a small vise, added a power strip for the battery chargers, and labeled all the drawers. Besides rolling it where he wants it, there is plenty of room under the work station to slip in skidsteer forks to lift it on a trailer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mike Bengtson, Brandon, Minn. (ph 320 493-4572; mike@barrettfarmsupply.com).

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