Amazon Now Sells Low Cost Pre-Fab Homes
Need extra living quarters on your farm property for family members, or a nice hunting retreat in the woods? The online retailing giant now sells pre-fab homes made from shipping containers. The MODs 320-sq.ft. house, built in Wisconsin, uses a container as its structural shell and includes a small kitchenette and a living/bedroom area. The MODs home is priced at $36,000, with another $4,500 tacked on for shipping.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, search for Container Houses.

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Amazon Now Sells Low Cost Pre-Fab Homes BUILDINGS Houses Need extra living quarters on your farm property for family members or a nice hunting retreat in the woods? The online retailing giant Amazon com now sells pre-fab homes made from shipping containers The MODs 320-sq ft house built in Wisconsin uses a container as its structural shell and includes a small kitchenette and a living/bedroom area The MODs home is priced at $36 000 with another $4 500 tacked on for shipping Contact: FARM SHOW Followup search www Amazon com for Container Houses
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