Plastic Used To Extend Equipment Life
Get more life out of rusted out manure spreaders, fertilizer boxes and TMR mixers by installing plastic liners from Osseo Plastics and Supply. The company cuts tough polyester to fit and also sells it by the square foot or by the 100-ft. roll for do-it-yourselfers.
“You can resurface a feed cart for $125 or spend $300 for a new poly cart,” says Jacob Thompson, Osseo Plastics and Supply. “We can install plastic liners on haybine shoes for about half the cost of a new shoe. The longer wear plastic will outlast steel.”
He notes that a lot of farmers will use 1/8-in. poly to wrap around the bottom of bale feeders so the bottom rung isn’t sitting in the dirt and mud. “They’ll wrap a band 18 to 20 in. high around the bottom to cover the steel frame,” says Thompson.
Other relining projects include bunk feeders, mangers and barn cleaners. Practically any type of rusted, worn or corroded side or floor can be relined.
In addition to selling by the square foot or by the roll, Osseo Plastics has precut packages with set prices for popular uses, such as for a 20-ft. feeder wagon.
“Give us a call for an estimate,” says Thompson. “Don’t worry about the make or model of the machine. Just give us the dimensions.”
The company will recommend a thickness based on the intended use. Dump truck and silage box liners can be as thick as 1/2 in.
“We recommend 3/16 in. for manure spreaders or any floor with a chain over its top,” says Thompson. “Feeder wagons usually need only 1/8 in. thickness. Chopper hoods, haybine shoes and wear strips should be lined with a high wear poly.”
While the bulk of the business they do is regional, Thompson reports that the company has shipped liner materials all over the U.S.
“We have good rates, especially for regional shipping of even 8 by 10-ft. sheets,” says Thompson.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Osseo Plastics and Supply, P.O. Box 127,
Osseo, Wis. 54758 (ph 715 597-2498; 800 657-4698;;

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Plastic Used To Extend Equipment Life FARM SHOP Miscellaneous Get more life out of rusted out manure spreaders fertilizer boxes and TMR mixers by installing plastic liners from Osseo Plastics and Supply The company cuts tough polyester to fit and also sells it by the square foot or by the 100-ft roll for do-it-yourselfers
“You can resurface a feed cart for $125 or spend $300 for a new poly cart ” says Jacob Thompson Osseo Plastics and Supply “We can install plastic liners on haybine shoes for about half the cost of a new shoe The longer wear plastic will outlast steel ”
He notes that a lot of farmers will use 1/8-in poly to wrap around the bottom of bale feeders so the bottom rung isn’t sitting in the dirt and mud “They’ll wrap a band 18 to 20 in high around the bottom to cover the steel frame ” says Thompson
Other relining projects include bunk feeders mangers and barn cleaners Practically any type of rusted worn or corroded side or floor can be relined
In addition to selling by the square foot or by the roll Osseo Plastics has precut packages with set prices for popular uses such as for a 20-ft feeder wagon
“Give us a call for an estimate ” says Thompson “Don’t worry about the make or model of the machine Just give us the dimensions ”
The company will recommend a thickness based on the intended use Dump truck and silage box liners can be as thick as 1/2 in
“We recommend 3/16 in for manure spreaders or any floor with a chain over its top ” says Thompson “Feeder wagons usually need only 1/8 in thickness Chopper hoods haybine shoes and wear strips should be lined with a high wear poly ”
While the bulk of the business they do is regional Thompson reports that the company has shipped liner materials all over the U S
“We have good rates especially for regional shipping of even 8 by 10-ft sheets ” says Thompson
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Osseo Plastics and Supply P O Box 127
Osseo Wis 54758 ph 715 597-2498; 800 657-4698;
ops@triwest net; www osseoplastics com
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