2019 - Volume #43, Issue #1, Page #11
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Pickup-Mounted Feeder Handles Wet Or Dry Feed
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The heavy duty steel feeder fits any size flatbed pickup and is powered by a 12-volt, 1 hp. electric motor, which drives a floor chain through a 50-to-1 gearbox. Three models are available. The smallest model measures 28 in. wide, 8 ft., 6 in. long, and 38 in. high. It can hold 2,000 lbs. of modified distillers grain or cake, 33 bu. of ear corn, or 39 1/2 bu. of wet corn and can also handle silage, ground hay or any mixture of feed.
“It’s a totally new design in pickup feeders that can handle wet or dry feed equally well,” says Thramer. “I came up with the idea because I’ve been feeding cattle for 40 years and always wanted a way to feed distillers grain without worrying that it will plug up the feeder.
“Most other pickup-mounted feeders use augers and come with tapered sides. They work fine for feeding dry pellets or corn but can easily plug up when using wet or dry, bulky feed. The Herd Boss box has straight sides, and the floor chain grabs the material positively to keep it from bridging up. The box is small enough that you still have room on back of your flatbed to haul a big bale or pull a gooseneck trailer.”
The 2,000-lb. capacity Herd Boss sells for $5,150. Models that hold 4,000 or 5,000 lbs. of distillers grain are also available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joe Thramer, 49476 Ericson Lake Rd., Ericson, Neb. 68637 (ph 308 728-7231; thramer@gpcom.net; www.herdbossllc.com).

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