Experimental Cat Tractor
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Experimental Cat Tractor, - This experimental Caterpillar tractor, fitted with extra-wide rubber tracks mounted on an aluminum carriage, was part of a recently completed 3-year study on the Mike Pieper farm near Wever, Iowa. USDA researchers tested three fleets of tractors and combines - one fleet fitted with tires, one with regular rubber Cat tracks, and the third with these extra-long, extra-wide experimental tracks which exert just 2.5 pounds of ground pressure per sq. in. (versus 18 psi for tires and 6 psi for regular tracks). Over the 3-year test period, corn yields averaged 86 bu. per acre in tire-compacted soil, 98 bu. per acre in rubber-tracked fields, and 102 bu. per acre in fields farmed by the experimental low pressure tracks. Other equipment used included track-equipped Claas combines and Kinze grain wagons.

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Experimental Cat Tractor MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Pumps 15-3-36 Experimental Cat Tractor, - This experimental Caterpillar tractor, fitted with extra-wide rubber tracks mounted on an aluminum carriage, was part of a recently completed 3-year study on the Mike Pieper farm near Wever, Iowa. USDA researchers tested three fleets of tractors and combines - one fleet fitted with tires, one with regular rubber Cat tracks, and the third with these extra-long, extra-wide experimental tracks which exert just 2.5 pounds of ground pressure per sq. in. (versus 18 psi for tires and 6 psi for regular tracks). Over the 3-year test period, corn yields averaged 86 bu. per acre in tire-compacted soil, 98 bu. per acre in rubber-tracked fields, and 102 bu. per acre in fields farmed by the experimental low pressure tracks. Other equipment used included track-equipped Claas combines and Kinze grain wagons.
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