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3-Pt. Mounted Disc Hiller Built From Scrap Parts
“I built my own 3-pt. mounted disc hiller and cultivator out of an old Leinbach 1-row cultivator frame and parts off a pair of old Farmall belly-mounted cultivators. Everything that I used came out of a local junkyard,” says Wayne Beggs, Lincolnton, Ga.    
    He uses the disc hiller and cultivator in his large vegetable garden to hill up and cultivate row crops such as corn, beans, and potatoes.
    The Leinbach 1-row cultivator came equipped with 6 cultivator tines with reversible curved points and was used only to break up the ground. He replaced the tines with the shovels off a Farmall Super A cultivating tractor in order to control weeds between the rows. He removed the disc hillers from the Super A and replaced them with two 10-in. discs that run at an angle to hill up dirt.
    The discs are supported by a pair of 2-in. solid steel toolbars off an old Farmall H cultivating tractor. Beggs cut square holes in the cultivator frame next to the hitch pins on the 3-pt. lower lift arms, then ran the toolbars up through the frame and welded them on.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wayne Beggs, 3378 Augusta Hwy., Lincolnton, Ga. 30817 (ph 706 359-1240).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #5