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2-Wheeler Mounted Propane Heater Keeps Shop Warm
“I bought a wall-mount, non-vent propane residential heater cheap at a flea market and strapped it onto my 2-wheeler. It’s nice and quiet and can be easily moved anywhere in the shop I need heat,” says Bob Payne, Coldwater, Miss.
    He paid $10 for the heater, which came with a 30-lb. propane bottle. He welded a metal rack on back of the 2-wheeler to hold the bottle and mounted the heater on front of the 2-wheeler, using metal straps to secure it to the frame. The 80-lb. counterweight off a Deere riding mower was bolted onto the 2-wheeler’s front ledge to help offset the weight of the bottle. Payne also screwed a barbeque grill regulator onto the bottle to regulate tank pressure.
    “I use it in my shop, which isn’t heated. It produces a nice warm area where I’m working, much like an old pot-bellied stove does,” says Payne. “The heater is rated for indoor use so I use it only in my shop, which is well ventilated. I own a diesel jet flame heater but didn’t use it very often because it was smelly and made a lot of noise.
    “This is a 5-burner heater, but if I was buying new I’d get a 3-burner unit. The 30-lb. bottle can’t evaporate propane fast enough to keep up with all 5 burners, especially if it’s cold outside.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Payne, 65 Wallace Rd., Coldwater, Miss. 38618.

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #5