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They Grow Grain, Grind Grain And Market Grain
“Everything I mill, I grow. So if you want to look at trace-ability, I can give you a 5-year history,” says Jeff Hafner about the products grown on the Iowa farm he operates with his father, Earl.
  Selling stone-ground flour from organic, non-GMO grains grown on their 2,000-acre farm is just part of the offerings found at Early Morning Harvest, which also produces vegetables, herbs, and free-range chickens, pork, grass-fed beef, and honey.
  When it comes to grain, Hafner focuses on quality and marketing. Flour and corn meal are stone-ground, for example, because it runs cooler than other types of milling and preserves the quality of the grain. It also makes more of an artisan product.
  “I look at marketing differently,” Hafner says. “You have to think like a company like Gatorade, not like a farmer. Instead of being locked into a price, I sell to the East and West Coasts.”
  Grocery stores, bakers and consumers appreciate the focus on quality and value. The cornmeal, for example is very popular because it is more yellow than most because it’s three times higher in carotene, and is higher in Vitamin A and protein.
  Using a grindstone requires the miller to be observant and set the stone correctly to get the right grind and efficiency. The mill uses 20-in. stone wheels powered by a 10 hp. motor to grind corn, wheat, buckwheat and rye.
  The Hafners’ packaged grains include everything from polenta to grits and flours. Customers can pick up items at the farm or shop through the business’ online store as well as a variety of stores, including Hy-Vee.
  It’s all about quality, Hafner says.
  “Our highest priority is caring for our land and animals so that the food we grow and offer is fresh and healthy,” he says.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jeff Hafner, Early Morning Harvest, 2425 Willow Ave., Panora, Iowa 50216 (ph 641 757-2620; www.earlymorningharvest.com; info@earlymorningharvest.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #5