F2 Case Combine
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Here's a photo of the F-2 Case combine I still use to harvest brome grass seed. Introduced in the early forties, it has a very short grain pan and a return raddle (slat apron) under the straw walker to bring all the grain from under the straw rack and deposit it on the front end of the sieves. Consequently, grain and chaff get the full benefit of the sieve areas and grain doesn't have a chance to work sideways on hills. I'm surprised that no combine manufacturers copied this system. (Edwin Bredemeier, Rt 1, Box 13, Steinauer, Neb. 68441)

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F2 Case combine COMBINES Miscellaneous 15-3-33 Here's a photo of the F-2 Case combine I still use to harvest brome grass seed. Introduced in the early forties, it has a very short grain pan and a return raddle (slat apron) under the straw walker to bring all the grain from under the straw rack and deposit it on the front end of the sieves. Consequently, grain and chaff get the full benefit of the sieve areas and grain doesn't have a chance to work sideways on hills. I'm surprised that no combine manufacturers copied this system. (Edwin Bredemeier, Rt 1, Box 13, Steinauer, Neb. 68441)
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