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Vibrating Subsoiler Shatters The Soil
Just introduced into Canada and slated for introduction into the U.S. in the next few months is the Cracker Jack, a pto-driven vibrating subsoiler for draining. potholes, or loosening up hard-pan and other problem soil conditions.
"It's available in a single or double shank model. A pto-driven vertical blade mounted directly in front of the main chisel moves up and down at the rate of about 250 2-in. strokes per minute. This blade is also tied to the front shoe of the chisel, causing the front point to move up and down at the same rate of 250 strokes per minutes. "The idea is to lift the soil on each stroke, causing it to break and shatter for increased water penetration, and for easier penetration of the soil by plant roots. It serves as a combination subsoiler and aerator," explains Franz Greisbach, president of Greisbach Machinery Ltd., 202 Bleams Road East, New Hamburg, Ont., Canada NOB 2GO.
Greisbach notes that 95% of the power requirement is supplied by the pto, which allows a relatively small tractor (80 hp.) to handle the single blade subsoiler.
On the double , blade unit, the shanks are 60 in. apart, with the pto shaft and gear box located in the center. On the single blade unit, the pto drive and gear box are set off to one side. "This poses more wear on the pto shaft since it runs on an angle rather than straight back from the tractor," explains Greisbach. "However, the same gear box and pto shaft used with the twin blade unit are used on the single blade model. Thus, the shaft and gear box are overbuilt to compensate for the skewed alignment," he explains.
The manufacturer recommends operating the blade 3 ft. deep. Soil being worked should be relatively dry, allowing it to crack and crumble.
Suggested retail cost for units just introduced into Canada is right at $2,800 for the single blade model, and $5,900 for the twin blade vibrating subsoiler.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brenig, K.U.J. Breng, Friesdorfer Strasse 155, 53 Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany.

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #2