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Utility Knives Prevent Rusting He Sprays Clothes Dryer Lint With WD-40
John Stuber, DeSoto, Mo.: “I use a lot of blades for utility knives and keep the blades in a jar. To prevent them from rusting, I spray clothes dryer lint with WD-40 and then place the lint in the bottom of the jar. The same idea works good for storing other small metal parts.
  “Instead of buying a magnetic holder for my nuts and bolts, I make my own using a small can and magnets removed from discarded microwave ovens. A typical microwave oven has about 4 good magnets in it. I use contact cement to glue each magnet to the bottom of the can.
  “I’ve used this idea to make several magnetic holders so I can store nuts and bolts for various projects that take an extended period of time to finish. That way the parts are always there when I come back to the project.”

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2