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“Made-To-Order” Skid Steers
There’s a new skid steer manufacturer in Wisconsin, and they’re building machines exactly the way end-users want them. Will Wright is group manager for Wacker-Neuson skid steers and he says their new machines may look like others in the marketplace, but that’s where the similarity stops. Actually the design is completely new from the ground up. Wright says the engineering team selected components based on efficiency, quality and value for the end-user.
  The Kohler KDI engines produce outstanding torque while using a diesel oxidation catalyst after treatment. This component is maintenance and regeneration-free, without any moving parts or daily service needs. The engine has an industry-leading 4,000-hr. warranty.
  WN skid steers use Bosch Rexroth track drive motors, built for efficiency and quietness without maintenance. Other drive components are supplied by recognizable names like Poclain, Danfoss, Casappa, Hydac and Hydro Control. Camso supplies the tires and tracks.
  Wright says the design concepts of their new machines were based on engineers interviewing dealers and customers for input on features, power, performance, and value. After prototypes were built, end-users and dealers operated the machines and provided initial feedback. They liked what they saw in the large, pressurized pod cab that keeps out dust and tilts forward for easy engine maintenance if the lift arms are up or down. Wright says it’s the best cab on the market, fully-isolated from the machine with an over-sized front window for better visibility. Ergonomics used for controls and seating provide optimum operator comfort.
  Wacker-Neuson introduced four medium-frame skid steers and two compact track-loaders in 2017 with operating capacity from 1,600 lbs. to 2,800 lbs. Engines are 56 or 74 hp. Machines can be made-to-order with an open or closed cab along with various hydraulic, ride and operator control options. Wright says most options are available as dealer install kits so machines can be easily configured to end-user needs.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wacker Neuson Corp., N92 W15000 Anthony Ave., Menomonee Falls, Wis. 53051 (ph 262 255-0500; www.wackerneuson.us).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2