1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #29
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Snowplow Add-Ons Cut Plowing Time In Half
"Twenty-five years of plowing snow led me to develop these new 'Side-Kicks' for pickup-mounted snow-plows. With them on, I can plow snow in half the time it used to take," says Kenneth Steinhoff, Wheeling, Ill., inventor.Side-Kicks are steel sections that fit on the sides of the plow so you 'scoop' snow forward instead of angling it to the side. "Works great for custom plowing parking lots between rows of cars or between buildings where you have to push snow ahead and can't push it aside," notes Steinhoff.
The Side-Kicks remove in just seconds by pulling two clips on each side. Initial installation involves welding a pin to the top and bottom of each side of the plow and welding a 'shoe' to each side of the plow on the front. Each Side-Kick fastens in place by sliding over the pins and under the shoe.
Side-Kicks fit most plows from 6 to 8¢-ft. long that are under 27-in. tall. Each Side-Kick weighs 32 lbs. A set of two sells for $349.95.
For more information, contact:FARM SHOW Followup, Side-Kicks Co., 385 S. Wolf Rd., Wheeling, Ill. 60090 (ph 312 537-8668).

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