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Septic Tank Alarm System
TankFull is an easy-to-install, on-tank monitoring system that measures levels of waste water in septic tanks and can send an alert by cell signal to owners or pumpers.
  “The whole thing started with truck monitoring. We were the first in North America to put monitors on our trucks so customers pay by the gallon rather than by the trip,” explains Mitch Olson, representative of the TankFull division with Duck Mountain Environmental.
  Customers liked it so much, that the company decided to develop a way to monitor holding tanks so they only get emptied when they really need it.
  “TankFull is an ultrasonic sensor that mounts on the lid,” Olson explains. “We don’t measure water; we measure the air in the tank. It beams to the fluid level and we do a reverse calculation. That keeps it simple, and the monitor is easily accessible.
  Customers choose from a 110-volt sensor ($600 Canadian) or solar-powered sensor ($700 Canadian). Customers can monitor the level themselves and call the company to have the tank pumped. Or, they can pay for a subscription service that the company monitors. People with cottages and second homes typically prefer the subscription service.
Pumpers like the monitoring system because they can efficiently schedule pumping routes in the same area. Generally tanks are pumped at between 50 and 75 percent full. Customers save money because they are charged by quantity rather than each service call.
  Olson is working with U.S. companies to sell and install TankFull sensors.
  “We prefer that pumpers install it, and they can be dealers to monitor their customers — and get on the truck monitoring system. Being transparent with gallon fees eliminates the competition,” Olson says.
  He invites companies interested in TankFull to contact him.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Duck Mountain Environmental, 437 Queen Elizabeth Blvd. E., Kamsack, Sask. S0A 1S0 Canada (ph 306 542-2014; www.duckme.ca; mitch@tankfull.ca).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #6