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A Place To Find New Ideas
We don’t very often have the space to publicize farm shows or other events (although we have a comprehensive list of farm shows at our website) but when a request arrives in the mail with an invention attached, it gets our attention. Carol Parker runs the Invention Convention which is part of the Food & Farm Forum in Montrose, Colorado. She sent along details on the show, which is January 26-27, 2018 at the Montrose County Fairgrounds. In addition to a complete program of speakers, which include famed livestock expert Temple Grandin, farm inventors will compete for a top prize of $500. One of the ideas from last year was a 3-piece chicken waterer designed by John Mercer of Montrose. It consists of a 5-gal. bucket with large holes cut in the sides; a 5-gal. water jug; and a piece of 3-in. dia. plastic pipe with a hole drilled in the side of it. To assemble, the jug is filled 3/4 of the way with water and the piece of pipe is placed on top. Then the bucket is placed upside down on top of the pipe and everything is flipped upside down. The water will stay very clean because the chickens can’t get into it with their feet.
  For more details on the show - or to get information about exhibiting an invention - go to www.foodfarmforum.org or call ph 503 709-8558.

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #6