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Cummins Repower Parts And Advice
Eric Rego and his father Bob have the parts and experience needed if you want to repower with a Cummins diesel. Both parts and advice are offered on their Maple Springs Farm website. Eric Rego used to work as an engineer at Cummins Engine Company.
  “A lot of people are interested in doing a repower, but very few have all the information they need,” says Rego. “We offer repower kits, as well as individual hard-to-find parts. I’ve also written up the repowering process with photos and posted it to my blog on our website.”
  They first repowered a White 2-135 with a 5.9L Cummins 6BTA and cut fuel use by more than 2 gal. per hr. Since then they’ve done a number of Olivers and are in the process of repowering a 1650 with a Cummins 4BT.
  Along the way they needed parts, some of which they made and others they found and now sell. One example is an engine mounting kit that the Regos source from Buckley Zoller of Manuta, Ohio.
  In his blog posting, Rego points out that getting proper engine/transmission alignment is one of the biggest challenges.
  “Good alignment is critical to minimizing chain coupler wear and eliminating vibrations associated with incorrectly aligned chain coupler sprockets,” writes Rego.
  He then provides a step-by-step explanation of how to mount the Cummins using Zoller’s kit.
  Parts listed on the Maple Springs website include bell housings, clutches discs, an angle tach drive adapter kit, Cummins engine fans and more. They offer nearly 30 parts in all that the Regos found difficult to source.
  “Some are genuine Cummins parts, while others are from various sources,” says Rego. “Where possible, our parts are made in the U.S. More than 95 percent of everything we sell is made in the U.S.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Maple Springs Farm, 1828 County Road PB, Verona, Wis. 53593 (ph 608 658-2072; rrego@tds.net; www.msfparts.com).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #4