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Wheel Rim “Toughens Up” Plastic Trash Barrel
Kenneth Oden of Venice, Fla., recently sent FARM SHOW photos of how he reinforces the tops of plastic trash barrels using old bicycle wheel rims.
    “The idea is to repair and strengthen the barrel where its top edge and handle have become either cracked or broken,” he says. “It’s a simple, inexpensive and strong solution to the problem.”
    He starts with either the bike’s front or rear wheel. He removes the tire and tube as well as the spokes and wheel hub, leaving only the bare rim. Then he force fits the rim around the top edge of the barrel and drills a half dozen or so holes through the rim and plastic barrel, securing the rim to the barrel with zip ties.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kenneth Oden, 375 West Baffin Drive, Venice, Fla. 34293 (kennyboya1@verizon.net).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #2