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He Sharpens His Chainsaw With A Cheap Die Grinder
Doug Clark, Ilderton, Ont.: “In your last issue, you had an article on a fellow who sharpens his chainsaw with a cutoff blade. Wow! He must have hands and eyes as steady as a brain surgeon. As for me, I’m sure I’d end up cutting the chain. I have a professional electric saw chain sharpener that’s very accurate and simple to operate, but it takes forever to sharpen a chain and I need to take the chain off the saw and mount it in the sharpener. As a result, I rarely use that sharpener.
  “Instead I use a stone in a cheap die grinder that works like a charm and is much faster. A kit from Oregon (available at TSC or Canadian Tire stores) contains 3 grinding stones for different-sized chains and sells for about $7. It takes me about 4 to 5 min. to sharpen a 16-in. saw chain using a compressed air die grinder without removing it from the saw. It’s extremely easy to do and leaves a better edge than a file. These stones will sharpen a chain 40 to 50 times before wearing down too far. I place the outer tip of the stone into the hook of the tool before starting the grinder so I can slide the stone up until the shaft end gets to the tooth, and then back down in just a couple of seconds to keep the tooth from overheating.”

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #6