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“Tire Talk” Website Helps Explain New Ag Tire Trends
You can get the answers to any questions you have about ag tires at the website, www.agtiretalk.com. The new website can make you a better buyer and user of today’s high tech tires.
  “There is a lot of confusion in the market with a lot of advice being given, and some of it is not correct,” says James Tuschner, founder of Ag Tire Talk. “I saw a lot of conversations in forums on the web where questions were asked and the answers were really wrong. I saw an opportunity to help clear up misconceptions.”
  With more than 20 years in the ag tire business and a team that represents another 40 years, Tuschner feels he has some of the answers to most common questions and he knows where to go to get more.
  “One premise for the website is to get questions answered by people in the industry,” says Tuschner. “Another is to simplify engineering jargon. One of the hallmarks of my career has been to take highly technical information and explain it so it can be easily understood.”
  Tuschner notes that a common area of misunderstanding, and a catalyst for the website, was advances in low-pressure tires. If you don’t know the difference between Improved Flexion (IF) tires and Very High Flexion (VHF) tires, Tuschner explained it in a recent blog.
  IF tires can carry 20 percent more load at the same tire pressure as standard tires or the same load at 20 percent less pressure. VHF tires carry 40 percent more load or the same at 40 percent less pressure. If less pressure, tires have a larger footprint, much less compaction, and offer better traction.
  Other recent blogs include Flat Plate & Flotation, Implement Tire Trends, Better Traction Ag Tire Basics, and more. The site includes an ag tire glossary as well as a place to post questions.
  Tuschner is quick to inform visitors to the site that they should check all information provided with their local certified ag tire dealers. However, they may find their dealers also checking the site.
  While Ag Tire Talk is for farmers, Tuschner also operates a site for tire dealers and another for ag equipment dealers. He notes that recent feedback on the tire dealer site thanked him for providing easy-to-understand information.
  “That was from a dealer,” notes Tuschner. “Even at the tire dealer level, there is a lot of confusion, and they may not understand basic concepts.”
  Tuschner says the website as it stands is just the beginning. “We’re taking ad placements, but we will work to provide an unbiased site for information,” says Tuschner. “Manufacturers we’ve spoken with have endorsed the site. They see it as a help to clear up misconceptions.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ag Tire Talk (James.Tuschner@AgTireTalk.com; www.agtiretalk.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #5