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10-Ft. Deer Fence Posts Install Fast
You can put up a deer-proof fence fast with Deer Dominator fence posts. The fiberglass posts are pre-drilled with holes every 2 in. The 10-ft. length lets you push it in the ground a foot or more and still have an 8 to 9-ft. post.
    “I’ve shot 20 fewer deer a year since we came up with the Deer Dominator posts,” says Grant Schultz, founder of VersaLand, a 145-acre permaculture farm, laboratory and homestead near Iowa City, Iowa. Schultz has planted the farm to tens of thousands of fruit and nut trees, as well as fruit and nut-producing shrubs. Deer damage had taken its toll.
    “I couldn’t tell you the economic value of ending deer damage,” says Schultz. “After developing the orchard we needed a way to keep the deer out. We tried composite poly/wood fiber posts, but they had to be drilled for each wire.”
    Deer Dominator posts are 7/8 in. in diameter. They’re double coated with an epoxy resin for a bright white finish with a 25-year warranty.
    The posts also work well to contain the cattle and hog herds on the farm. Since the entire post is an insulator, any number of wires can be easily electrified, and there are no more ground faults.
    Ease of installation is important to Schultz. “Posts can be attached to existing wood fence posts with 2 or 3 screws,” he says. “We have about 2 miles of fence in all with about 1/2 mile attached to existing posts.”
    Attaching high tensile wire is easy, too. Simply cut a short length of high tensile wire and bend it in a U shape. Slip it over the fence wire and through 2 holes in the post and bend the ends to the side.
    “The posts work great on uneven ground, too,” says Schultz. “In a dip, run a dog fence-type post anchor into the ground and through the bottom hole in the post.
    “On ridges, install a 1-in. washer over the base of the post and secure it with a wire before pushing the post into the ground,” says Schultz. “The washer quadruples the surface area of the post and keeps the wire tension from pulling the post into the ground.”
    Schultz sells the posts and other innovations as well as seedling trees and shrubs through the ecommerce website www.newfarmsupply. They are priced at $18.88 each. When ordering more than $200, use the code VERSALAND for a 20 percent discount.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, New Farm Supply, 5133 Strawbridge Rd. N.E., Iowa City, Iowa 52240 (www.newfarmsupply.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #4