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Remote-Controlled Pickup Cover
A new retractable cover from Pace Edwards opens or closes in 30 sec. with a remote control and lets you lock it in place anywhere along the track.
  The Bedlocker aluminum cover wraps up tight in a 1-sq. ft. housing across the front of the bed. Installation takes about an hour and requires no drilling or bed alteration. Rails simply clamp in place.
  Bedlocker offers intermittent locking. A built-in electromagnetic brake locks the cover at any position along the rails to allow for cargo that sits partially above the bedrails.
  If power fails, the Bedlocker cover can be operated manually. The rigid aluminum panels are powder coated black with a textured finish. The result is a durable, long lasting finish less likely to scratch.
  Standard rails sit flush with the top of the box. Optional explorer rails feature above cover access for attaching recreational and work-related storage racks. Securely cover supplies or tools in the box while carrying bikes, ladders or other items above.
  The Bedlocker kit comes with everything needed for fast DIY installation. Regular list price starts at $2,610.62. However, authorized online dealer prices were recently as much as $600 less. Check with the company for local dealers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pace Edwards Co., 2400 Commercial Blvd., Centralia, Wash. 98531 (ph 360 736-9991; toll free 800 338-3697; www.pace-edwards.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2