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Christmas Tree Waterer
“My Christmas tree waterer takes the work out of watering Christmas trees. I always know when it needs water and I can add to it without having to bend over,” says Rick Easter, Osceola, Iowa.
     The 32-in. long plastic waterer consists of a 1-in. dia. plastic pipe with an elongated funnel at the top and a float mechanism at the bottom filled with Styrofoam balls. The waterer slips down between the branches of the Christmas tree so it’s easy to reach.
    The bottom of the pipe has a small hole in it. The floating balls push up on a long wooden rod that comes up through the pipe and into the center of the funnel. Easter placed a piece of white tape at the top of the funnel and marked it where the top of the rod should be when the tree stand is full of water.
    “As the water level goes down, the rod also goes down so I know I need to add more water,” he says. “I keep adding water until the top of the rod is level with the mark on the tape.”
     Easter says he’s looking for a manufacturer.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rick Easter, 3078 Fox St., Osceola, Iowa 50213 (ph 641 342-7303; easterjanet@aol.com).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #6