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Scrotal Tape Brings New Accuracy To Breeding
In the world of bull fertility and scrotal measurements, a difference of a few centimeters can bring a bull's value into question for both the breeder and the cow-calf operator.
Operator error is virtually eliminated by the new Coulter Scrotal Tape developed by Dr. Glenn Coulter, an Ag Canada researcher in Lethbridge, Alberta. The spring-tensioned tape applies the same amount of tension to each animal, providing much more consistent readings compared to the old ways of measuring, says Coulter.
To the purebred producer, an animal with an inaccurately low measurement may not meet the standards he needs to rate as breeding stock. To a cow-calf operator, a bull with an inaccurately high scrotal circumference may fool him into thinking the animal is capable of properly servicing his herd. Either way, the economic result is the same - lost dollars.
Coulter says that because it was difficult to maintain the same tension on a measuring tape each time a measurement was taken, he could not count on the accuracy of measurements taken. After years of testing, he took a prototype to Trueman Manufacturing in Edmonton, Alberta, and the company has now brought it on the market.
Darryl Trueman says there's nothing like the new measuring device on the market and that he's already had interest from all over the world. He pays royalties on sales to the Canadian government.
Sells for $39.95 in Canada and U.S., plus S & H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Darryl Trueman, Box 774, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2L4 Canada (ph 800 363-4085).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #6