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Pull Behind Stripper
A new pull-behind mini version of that "stripper" combine we first told you about three years ago (Vol. 10, No. 3 and Vol. 11, No. 5) may be the ,combine of the future, according to reports from the European farm press.
The stripper combine was developed by a national research center in England and is being sold by Shelbourne Reynolds. It consists of rows of plastic teeth that spin at speeds of 500 to 750 rpm's to strip grain off stalks so that only the grain and chaff go through the combine. It doubles the capacity of conventional combines and stalks remain standing in the field. Shelbourne Reynolds has been selling a stripper head to mount on a conventional combine but re-searchers say there's no need fora combine in the field because grain is harvested so much cleaner. They've now developed a pull-behind self-contained machine that simply strips the grain off stalks and runs it through two threshing cylinders. Here, according to the British magazine Power Farming, is how it works:
"The stripping rotor combs the crop and shears off the- heads with rows of plastic teeth. Behind the rotor lies the crop delivery auger. It separates out up to 50% of the grain threshed by the stripping rotor. This is made possible by replacing the auger pan with a round-hole sieve. The crop then passes to a conventional threshing drum and concave. Separation efficiency at this stage is about 95%. From the drum, the grain and remaining chaff and other chaff flow to an axial flow rotary separator for the final separation."
A load-out auger conveys grain to a trailing wagon. The entire pull-behind harvester is not much bigger than a grain head and is expected to sell for a fraction of the cost of a conventional combine.
In 1987, Massey Combines in Canada brought one of the first stripper combine prototypes to North America for testing. When Massey Combines went out of business last year, the stripper header technology was transferred to Vicon Canada. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vicon Canada Inc., P.O. Box 1240, Cambridge, Ontario N 1 R 6C9 Canada (ph 519 622-2800)
The stripper header is on the market in England. Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Shelbourne Reynolds Engineering,
Shepherds Grove, Stanton, Bury-St.-Edmunds, Suffolk, 1P31 2AR England (ph 0359 50415).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #2