1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #23
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World's Longest Level
You can take advantage of the fact that water finds its own level in an open hose by adding a length of clear plastic tubing to either end of a garden hose using garden hose couplings.Robert Tupper, Canton, S. Dak. needed to establish a slope away from his house. He added 18-in. of clear plastic tubing to each end of a hose. He taped one plastic end to a 4-ft. stake in the ground and taped another 4-ft. stake, as well as a yard stick, to the other plastic end.
To use the device, he first put the two tubes side by side and marked the water level on the yard stick of his "movable" end. By standing the movable stake at various places in the yard, and by checking the reading, he knew how much dirt he had to move to get the slope he wanted. As the ground level dropped, the water level in the tube came up.

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