1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #27
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Strobe Lights For Tractors, Combines
You can make your tractor, combine or pickup more visible on the highway by mounting a portable strobe warning light on top of the cab, says Bosch Lights, Versailles, Ind.The portable light flashes 60 to 80 times per min. and has a lens made of tough plastic with a magnetic base. It's available blue, red, amber, or clear. A 12-ft cord and receptacle plugs into the cigarette lighter of your tractor or pickup.
"It makes slow-moving equipment instantly visible and the magnetic base lets you quickly move it from machine to ma-chine, as needed," says Paul Morris, distributor. The light's replaceable flash tube uses 12 to 48 volts DC and draws a maximum of 0.5 amps.
One light with magnetic base and cigarette lighter plug sells for $65 (shipping included). Direct-wired model without magnet sells for $55.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Bosch Lights, Rt. 1, Box 27, Versailles, Ind. 47042 (ph 812 689-5620).

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