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"Seed Bag" Lawn Vac
Cal Miner, Willmar, Minn.: “I like my 2012 Deere X360 riding mower. Because of arthritis, I needed a mower with power steering and power lift, and the lowest-priced unit I could find was this model. It’s also relatively quiet. Attachments for it mount easily with pins and clips.
    “The mower came with a tow-behind lawn vac, but it used two 18-in. wide bags that weren’t big enough for my needs. When the dealer couldn’t sell me a large enough bagger, I made one out of a large nylon bulk seed bag that’s 4 ft. wide. It can hold up to 100 lbs. of leaves and really saves time.
    “The bag is supported by a platform made from plywood covered by aluminum. I cut a hole in the front of the bag and modified the vac’s discharge chute to fit.
    “I used 1 1/2-in. lightweight tubing to make a frame that supports the platform and bolted it to another frame that came with the mower’s original bagging system.
    “I also made a U-shaped, 3 by 4-ft. discharge hood that covers most of the top of the bag. The hood is covered on back and keeps big chunks of leaves from flying out of the bag.
    “Beneath the hood I mounted a rectangular, 1/4-in. screen, which keeps most of the fine material directed rearward and also allows air to escape. If the screen ever plugs up I can just pull it out from under the hood.
    “Both sides of the bag are fitted with 8-in. deep flaps at the top. To seal the bag I fold the flaps over against the sides of the hood, then attach bungie straps over the hood from one side to the other.
    “To remove the bag I loosen the bungie straps and drop the flaps down. Then I back the mower up to a pair of ramps that lead up to my 15-ft. trailer. It can hold up to 8 bags at a time to haul to our local composting site.
    “I used to spend way more time emptying bags than I did loading them. But the big seed bags have more capacity than the 2 smaller bags I was using before, so now I can do my front yard in 20 min. and my whole yard in just an hour. The bags are made from nylon, so even when they’re full they slide easily on the ground and up the ramps.
    “I got the bags free from a local grain elevator, which had switched to using returnable totes. They had a whole semi truck load left over and couldn’t find anyone to use them.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cal Miner, 3971 N.E. 8th St., Willmar, Minn. 56201 (ph 320 235-3351).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #1