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Live Trap Ftted With Gas Chamber
Killing skunks after you catch them in a live trap is a job that often ends up a smelly mess. Oscar Lang, Zap, N. Dak., came up with a slick solution to the problem by attaching a gas chamber to his traps that let him gas trapped animals with no mess or danger.
He puts a one-way gate on one end of a 20 gal. barrel and then fastens that end of the barrel to a live trap. Once an animal is in the trap, curiosity - and some bait - draw it into the barrel. Once inside, he can't get out.
Lang drilled a 1-in. dia. hole through the other end of the barrel and inserted a piece of threaded pipe into it. Whenever he traps an animal inside the chamber, he runs a hose from the pipe to the exhaust on his 3-wheeler. The exhaust gas quickly kills the animal.
Lang uses Tru-Catch Live Traps (P.O. Box 816, Belle Fourche, S. Dak. 57717 ph 800 247-6132).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Oscar Lang, Rt. 1, Box 253, Zap, N. Dak. 58580 (ph 701 948-2292).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #2